Because of the Covid-19 emergency, Jeremiah, Timotheo, Sara, Janeth and Abraham can no longer afford food and medical care, nor can they provide education for their children.
In the past few days we received an urgent communication from Jacobo, Manager of Mkuru Training Camp (MTC). The MTC is a meeting place, study, and research centre for environmental protection, run by the local Maasai community and created with the help of Istituto Oikos.
The emergency caused by Covid-19 has affected the village and the people who run the Mkuru Training Camp (MTC), since the whole community is supported by international tourism, which has collapsed after the pandemic.
Due to job losses and increasing poverty among the population, Tanzania's natural resources are under threat. Forests are in danger of being destroyed to produce charcoal to sale at the market, wildlife is in danger of being prey to poachers, forests are burnt to make way for pasture.
Without a source of income, families in Mkuru cannot afford food, medical care, and education for their children.
Right now, their only hope is us!
The appeal comes directly from Jacobo:
"The Mkuru Training Camp supports our entire community, and allows us to work to support our children and families. It teaches us and the new generations to take care of natural resources, the territory and to deal with cultures different from our own. It is the only possible future for all of us. Help us make it happen."
We know that many of us are facing difficult times here in Italy, but even a very small gesture can help save Mkuru. What we will gather will be used to deal with the crisis generated by the pandemic and ensure a future for the community.
Rossella Rossi
President Oikos Institute
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Since 1996 Istituto Oikos has been working in Arusha Region in Northern Tanzania: an alliance, born 23 years ago with the Maasai community of Mkuru, today stronger than ever. In these territories we work together with the local people to promote the sustainable use of the fragile natural resources on which the life and income of an entire people depends.
It is from this alliance that Mkuru Training Camp (MTC), a centre for training and research on good environmental practices, was founded in 2003. In these years, thanks to MTC, many initiatives, experimentations, and economic activities were born, such as a small community tourism enterprise; a cooperative of women "Tanzania Maasai Women Art", which shifted the cutting of plants to produce charcoal with the handicraft production of accessories; the CERC (Community Energy Resource Centre) for the diffusion of renewable energies and, since 2016, an experimental centre for the vegetable tanning of leather.
In August we are launching MkuRun, the solidarity and multicultural marathon to protect the country's natural heritage and support the Maasai communities.
This year due to the health emergency we will not be able to hold the 5th edition of MkuRun. An appointment highly awaited by the inhabitants of Mkuru, which, thanks to the funds collected in recent years, has given the opportunity to build schools, create organic gardens for feeding children, provide families with energy through solar panels, create and manage 9 community forests, and protect over 238 hectares of forests.
We decided to support the community of Mkuru by starting a fundraiser in support of all the other people in the community.
JOIN US! You too can virtually "run" this solidarity marathon from home and support the Maasai village of Mkuru.