Investing in the future

JOVEM – New Opportunities against Economic, Social and Environmental Vulnerabilities

Personal and professional growth: the foundations for sustainable development

Since the end of 2017, the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique has been facing two serious crises with increasingly extreme consequences: on the one hand, terrorist attacks by the Islamic State are forcing thousands of families to leave their villages in search of a safer place. On the other, increasingly extreme weather phenomena, such as floods, are jeopardising the livelihoods of communities even in the provinces of Niassa and Nampula. In this context, the local population, and in particular youngsters, are experiencing great socio-economic vulnerability: scarce job opportunities cause food insecurity for entire families.
The project JOVEM - New Opportunities against Economic, Social and Environmental Vulnerabilities aims to enhance the role of the new generations in promoting peace and security, while providing young people with the tools to actively contribute to the sustainable development of their community. 

In an area already severely compromised by ongoing humanitarian and environmental crises, there is also a lack of space for discussion between civil society and public institutions. This is why we are committed to supporting local communities in creating opportunities for dialogue between citizens and institutions, an essential element in promoting inclusive and participatory development that is also environmentally sustainable. 
The lack of job opportunities for young people in Cabo Delgado is closely linked to the lack of opportunities for personal growth, which we try to address through a series of training and practical activities. In parallel, we work to strengthen skills and competences in various managerial and technical areas, both for local associations and employees in public offices. Special attention is paid to the personal and professional development of women, in order to give them more opportunities to participate in local public institutions.

The difficult social situation is accompanied by an unprecedented climate crisis. The negative consequences of climate change threaten the already precarious economy and food security of the population. It is therefore crucial to enable local communities to develop skills related to sustainable development, circular economy, and safer construction and maintenance techniques for public and private facilities, in order to be prepared for future extreme climate events. 

Project's network

The project is promoted by LVIA, in collaboration with Istituto Oikos, WLSA (Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust) and CEJP (Comissão Episcopal Justiça e Paz) and is supported by the Belgian Ministry for Development Cooperation.


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