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To protect nature and support the community we need valuable allies who are as passionate and committed as we are. We rely above all of you.


There are many ways to be key players in the protection of the environment. Find out how you can support us and contribute towards a more sustainable future.


A concrete commitment to sustainability: this is what customers today ask companies and which often guides their consumption habits and propensity to purchase. A partnership with Oikos allows companies to embark on a pathway towards sustainability and responsibility based on common goals providing value to their brand.
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Find out who has already chosen to support us

Part of the support from Holcim to the Wet Bridge Project consists of corporate volunteering in fauna monitoring activities. Our employees have embraced the initiative and within a few days enrolment was filled up, a sign that this was the right choice!

— Manuela Macchi, former Head of CSR Holcim Italia S.p.A.


A sustainable society is possible only through the involvement of citizens, the development of skills and knowledge and the sharing of the values necessary to achieve it. Oikos intends to stimulate learning processes that encourage young people to exercise active and informed citizenship. To do this, Oikos creates teaching materials and offers training courses for students and teachers, always trying to experiment with innovative and participatory methodologies.

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