Ecoboma project comes to an end

Local government pledges to fight climate change in Northern Tanzania

Government officials, representatives from the European Union, local and international partners and participating communities convened at the Nelson Mandela African Institution (Arusha, Tanzania), to celebrate four years of a climate change adaptation initiative. ECOBOMA project (2015 -19), part of the Global Climate Change Alliance Tanzania and funded by the European Union, aims to build the resilience of pastoralists, raise awareness, and work with Local Government Authorities to incorporate climate change adaptation into their work plans.  At today’s closing event a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Arusha and Meru District Councils and Oikos to ensure an ongoing commitment to climate change adaptation and to designate a taskforce drawn from a sustainability matrix to carry on this vital work. 
ECOBOMA has also launched a new website to raise awareness about how Tanzania can adapt to the impacts of climate change and to continue sharing data, documents and report on this urgent issue. The platform is hosted by partner Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology at this link. Click on the Centres and Projects tab then Climate Change Centre of Knowledge tab. 
The website invites climate change practitioners to share content and aims to increase awareness on climate change for researchers, practitioners and the general public, enabling users to have easy access to climate data and resources.

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