The strength of a territory is in its community

Pomatt! Pratiche di resilienza per la valorizzazione dell’agro-biodiversità e la promozione dell’economia locale in Val Formazza

(Re)discovering agricultural traditions and gastronomic tourism

In order to cope with the state of abandon of mountain areas, this project enhances knowhow, resources and products from the territory. It also creates a network between farmers, cultural and tour operators who make a common effort to promote sustainability and development.

Formazza (Pomatt in walser language), the northernmost municipality in Piedmont located in Formazza valley, is the mother land of the Walser community, ancient Germanic population, and an important touristic destination for nature lovers. The progressive declining of mountain agriculture in this area caused a reduction in agro-biodiversity and the loss of ancient local cultivations with negative consequences on natural resources conservation too.
Pomatt! aims at promoting community resilience through several initiatives that support the agri-food sector and the hiking-gastronomic tourism. How?
First of all we reintroduced and valorizedo three ancient local cultivations of mountain potatoes by creating a network of “farmers-guardians” supported with technical assistance throughout the whole production chain. We promote touristic itineraries involving farms that display local products  – cheese and herbs in particular – and touristic guides that foster the knowing of natural and cultural heritage of the valley. We also promote environmental education initiatives in the schools and training for tour operators. 
The project, promoted in collaboration with Formazza Municipality and funded by Cariplo Foundation, allowed to realise an educational vegetable garden in Valdo, to safeguard traditions and share knowledge.
If you want to know more about the project visit the website


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