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Rossella Rossi
President - Headquarters
My name is Rossella Rossi and I am the President of Oikos — which I helped found, and where I have devoted great passion and energy, to set it up and help it grow. I have a degree in Biological Sciences and a Masters in Applied Research. I would like to have another ten lives ahead of me to see whether we will be able to respond to the challenge: reconciling conservation with development. But I think it is important that each of us puts everything into doing what we can. I try to encourage all our employees to work with passion and motivation. What does my job entail? I maintain contacts with our financing bodies and help to guide our team strategically, organisationally and financially.
General Director and Head of International Cooperation - Headquarters
My name is Paola Mariani and since May 2020 I am the General Director and Head of the International Cooperation area. I have a degree in Biological Sciences and my expertise is land planning and management. Following my initial introduction to Istituto Oikos in the year 2000, I’ve seen the organization grow and develop while remaining, despite the challenges, consistent with its mission to safeguard natural resources and promote sustainable development.
After years of fieldwork in Tanzania I returned to the headquarters where I began the coordination of the in-country programmes. I then actively contributed to the opening of the office in Mozambique and today I supervise all the international cooperation projects, specifically with regards to intervention strategy, relations with partners, governance and human resource management.
Taking charge of the general director role fills me with pride. It is a challenge that does not scare me because I know I can count on the support of passionate and professional colleagues.
Head of Communication, Education and Fund raising - Headquarters
My name is Francesca Santapaola and I’m Head of Communications and Education for Sustainability department. I coordinate the institutional communication, I write and I manage European projects, follow social campaigns and fundraising. I was born in 1972. I have a degree in Political Science and I specialized in International Cooperation Project Design. I managed international cooperative projects in different countries, but I also worked in an American multinational corporation. I'm in Oikos since 2009. I really like the working environment: cheerful, informal. The typical working day? I’m writing! Projects, reports, institutional communication documents. I organize seminars and keep in touch with the project partners.
LIFE Programme Administrative Manager - Headquarters
My name is Paolo Gioffreda, I am the contact for the EC-Square project (LIFE programme): I collect data and administrative documents from our partners, check them and write the reports. I have worked on designing the administrative accounting system in the local offices. I manage the external administrative audits and I supervise the web management. In the past I worked as a financial analyst for Coca-Cola East European Division. I like Oikos because it is a dynamic environment. I am also very happy to work on issues that I identify with: sustainability, environmental conservation, support to more disadvantaged areas.
Giorgio Cancelliere
Water and sanitation expert
My name is Giorgio Cancelliere. I was born in 1952 and trained as a geologist. I specialise in water-resource management, especially in poorer countries where the technology that’s needed is the kind that befits the social context. I began working with Oikos in 2004, when I organised internships for my students in Mkuru, in Tanzania. At Oikos, I prepare and manage projects related to water and environmental hygiene. I am responsible for the building of rural aqueducts from the initial stages onwards: both the technical and the socio-cultural aspects. This means I am often in Tanzania. I have been involved in the cooperation sector for over thirty years. For the last few years, I have also been teaching at the University of Milan Bicocca.
Giorgio Colombo
Country Coordinator Tanzania
I’m Giorgio Colombo and I was born in 1976, I have a degree in Natural Sciences and I specialized in Natural Resources Conservation. I have a 10 years field work experience in Tanzania, in the WASH sector. I have been collaborating with Oikos since 2013, where I deal with the coordination of our activities. I enjoy working with local communities to improve the management of big water plants in rural areas. I particularly like Oikos and Oikos’ partners will to implement log lasting initiatives with an integrated and participative approach.
My name is Silvia Beretta and my academic background is in Forestry. Apart from a short experience at Montevecchia Regional Park and in the Curone Valley (Italy), I’ve always worked in international cooperation. I worked for many years in Central and Southern America on forestry projects developed and implemented with the local community active participation. In 2010 I started my collaboration with Oikos in the framework of a EU funded project in the beautiful Rakhine region, Myanmar. Since December 2012 I joined the international cooperation team at Oikos’s headquarters in Milan. I’m happy to be a part of this passion-driven and dynamic group!
My name is Lara Beffasti and I am an expert in development cooperation with a Master of Science in environmental management. I have been collaborating with Oikos since 2005 in Italy, Tanzania, Myanmar and Turkey managing projects in the fields of biodiversity conservation, participatory natural resources management and sustainable development. My most significant experience was opening the Oikos office in Myanmar and launching the long-term programme for the management of Lampi Marine National park. Currently I am based at the HQ and responsible for the management of the programme in Myanmar, the development of service projects and coordinating the project Mediterre3 that aims at reducing fire-related greenhouse gas emissions in the Mediterranean region by promoting fire-smart landscape management.
My name is Anna Giovannini and I have been working in Oikos’ International Cooperation sector since 2013. I was born in 1985, I studied biology and I have a Master degree in Water and Land Use Management in Developing Countries. I worked in Ethiopia for a couple of years, then in Sri Lanka, where I worked on a REDD programme. Here I deal with the development of the Mozambique Programme, I write new project proposals and I support the management of the ongoing initiatives. What do I like about Oikos? It’s a great working environment! I love the enthusiasm and attention that is put is every project.
Environmental Education and Communication Programme Coordinator - Headquarters
My name is Margherita Porzio, I was born in 1984 and I am Programme Officer in the Communications and Educating for Sustainability sector at Oikos, where I have been working since 2010. After graduating in Philosophy at Milan, I did an MSc in Global Governance and Ethics at University College London. I worked in the press office of a major company before being drawn to a sector that I share the goals and values of. In Oikos I have also found another reason to be satisfied: I can work hard and well in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. Here, I deal with writing and managing projects and campaigns on sustainability, in Italy and abroad.
Institutional Communication Officer - Headquarters
My name is Camilla Macchioni and I work in Oikos’ Communication and Education for Sustainability department. I was born in 1988, I graduated in Contemporary Literature, then I specialized in Theory and Methods for Communication. After working in various newspapers and in a press office, I had the opportunity to join a reality which is closer to my sensibility, that would allow me to combine my passion for writing with the defense of the values that I believe in. I took it right away! In Oikos I deal with institutional and web communication, press office and I support project management. During my working days I daily discover new occasions to believe that a better future is still possible.
Project Manager Italy Environmental Programmes Unit - Headquarters
My name is Ambrogio Molinari and I have been working in Oikos since 2008, dealing with wildlife monitoring with special skills in using tools for photo trapping and bioacoustic analysis. I have specialist experience in squirrel conservation and I deal with administrative management of international project for afeguarding this species, particularly LIFE projects. I really like the opportunity to spend a lot of tiume on the field, combining my passion for animals and wildlife photography.
My name is Chiara De Franceschi, I was born in 1982 and I am a naturalist with a strong passion for the mountains and for the alpine fauna. I deal with monitoring, planning and faunal-hunting management of Ungulates and Galliformes. I have been working for Istituto Oikos since 2012. I have experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Studies, in the planning of protected areas and in the Natura 2000 sites. I am a hiking-environmental guide as well: I organize excursions in the Val d'Ossola and in the Val Grande National Park, a vast wilderness area that I love and that gave me the impulse to undertake this profession.
I’m Elisa Galliani and I was born in Milan in 1989. I started working in Oikos’ administrative office in 2012, where I do secretary work and genal services, supporting every Oikos' department. My work is stimulating because and I daily learn something new, helping contributing to environment conservation and communities development. I really like the OIkos' scientific approach and the professionalism to pursue its mission.
My name is Filippo Zibordi and I have been working in Oikos since 2000. I studied Natural Science in Milan and I specialized in zoology in Milan. Since 2002 I live up in the Trentino’s mountains where I work on projects for the Alpine fauna conservation and for the popularization of science. Thanks to Oikos I can use my experience gained on Alps in different contexts such as Tukey, Lebanon, Myanmar.
Head of Italy and Europe Environmental Programmes - Headquarters
My name is Alessandra Gagliardi and I am an ornithologist. I was born in 1974. I graduated in Biology at the University of Insubria where I did a PhD and where I now coordinate projects on birdlife and endangered species in particular. I have been working at Oikos for over ten years; I have done all sorts of jobs here, ranging from office tasks such as writing projects or processing data, to work in the field such as inspections, wildlife censuses, capture, tagging, radio tracking… one day at the top of a mountain, the next on the banks of a lake. I certainly never get bored! And it’s great to do something I really like.
Environmental Programme Development - Headquarters
Hi! I work in the Environment planning and management sector at Oikos, which I have been working with since its foundation. My name is Eugenio Carlini. I am a wildlife biologist: I am responsible for the conservation and management of alpine wildlife and the planning of natural resources. I was born in 1966. Working freelance, I take part in projects with various organisations involved in wildlife conservation, such as parks and the governments of Italian Provinces and Regions. But right from the start, Oikos has been part of what I do: and our relationship has strengthened over time. More specifically, here I am in charge the coordination and management of the Italian conservation projects. One example? The ibex census in the Bergamo Alps.
Mi chiamo Stefania Bologna, sono nata nel 1983 e sono una naturalista. Collaboro con Oikos dal 2010, mi occupo principalmente di monitoraggi della teriofauna. In particolare mi occupo di progetti di monitoraggio e conservazione dei chirotteri e di bioacustica.
Mi occupo anche di dati cartografici, analisi dei dati, produzione di elaborati tecnici e Valutazioni di Impatto Ambientale.
Del lavoro in Oikos mi piace l’atmosfera, l’entusiasmo, e la possibilità di cambiare spesso “ufficio” soprattutto durante i lavori di campo.
Sono Stefania Mazzaracca, sono del 1984 e faccio la zoologa. Mi sono laureata in Analisi e Gestione delle Risorse Naturali nel 2009. Da allora mi occupo di “animali che volano”, ho iniziato con la tesi sui chirotteri e dopo la laurea ho iniziato a lavorare anche con l'avifauna. Sono in Oikos dal 2011e da allora ho avuto la fortuna di occuparmi di tante cose! A partire dai rilievi su campo, alla gestione faunistica venatoria, valutazioni ambientali e studi di incidenza. Dal 2014 mi occupo di progetti di connessione ecologica e valorizzazione territoriale.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) - Headquarters
Sono Silvia Guerzoni, dal 2018 collaboro con Oikos nel team di Cooperazione Internazionale. Sono laureata in Scienze Naturali e ho un Master in Pianificazione Territoriale nei PVS – indirizzo sicurezza alimentare. Lavoro nella cooperazione internazionale da diversi anni, impegnata in progetti a supporto di comunità rurali nel settore agro-alimentare e imprese sociali. Sul campo ho avuto l'opportunità di occuparmi di turismo comunitario; questa esperienza mi ha portato a collaborare per un'agenzia di turismo responsabile, nella realizzazione e valutazione di servizi turistici comunitari.
Di Oikos mi piace la visione di coniugare ideali di giustizia sociale e ambientale e sviluppo sostenibile.
Databases and territorial information systems expert
My name is Damiano Preatoni. I work with databases, territorial information systems and data processing. I was born in 1968 and, even though I’ve been a zoologist for years, I’ve always had my hands glued to a computer keyboard! After graduating in Biology and doing a PhD in Natural and Environmental Sciences, I became a researcher in Zoology at the University of Insubria, where I work on IT applications for the management and conservation of biodiversity. I have been working with Oikos since it started. I design and develop databases and work on digital cartography and statistical data analysis — you know, the part of work that exists but you can’t see: a summary of the information collected in the field in the guise of numbers, graphs and maps.
Carlo Morelli
Environmental Programmes in Italy - Headquarters
My name is Carlo Emilio Morelli, I was born in 1971 and I am an entomologist. I have been working with Oikos since 2004 on wildlife surveys involving, above all, invertebrates; I help to draw up projects and natural resources management activities. More specifically, I am involved in field studies (insects, in particular) and I write projects and reports on the management of the wildlife and natural resources. My training? I have a degree in Biology. I have been working in the field of environmental education and wildlife studies for over twenty years.
My name is Francesco Bisi and I am a theriologist. (In case you were wondering, theriology is the science that studies the biology of mammals). I was born in 1982. I have a degree in Biology and a PhD in Management and Conservation of Biodiversity. I have been working with Oikos since 2004; here, I am involved in wildlife monitoring and storage of the resulting data. I monitor small and medium sized mammals through live-trapping, radio tracking and finding traces, for example.
Europe Environmental Programmes Coordinator and Project Manager - Headquarters
My name is Martina Spada: I was born in 1981 and I am a bat biologist. I have a PhD in Analysis, Protection and Management of Biodiversity. I have been working for Oikos since 2009 and I am a wildlife biologist for the Ambiente Italia sector: I work on wildlife management and bat monitoring and conservation projects in particular. I am involved in coordination and practical aspects in the field, for example, monitoring of birds on wind farms. I am also involved in planning — wildlife/hunting plans, Natura 2000 site management plans… — as well as carrying out cartographic analysis.
My name is Mattia Ferrara, I have a degree in International Relations and I have a Master degree in Social enterprises and Nonprofit companies Management. I have been working in Oikos’ Administration sector since july 2015. Here I deal with projects’ financial reports and with project aspects related to the social business sector. I really appreciate the professionalism and the great passion of the whole Oikos’ staff.
My name is Cinzia Biancani; I was born in 1964, and I have been at Oikos since 2003. Here, I am involved in general administration: I do the accounts, manage relations with clients and suppliers, deal with VAT compliance. I like working at Oikos because I share its goals. I used to do the same job in a private company. Joining an organisation like Oikos has let me to get to know a new context, that gives a different meaning to the figures I process everyday.
Hi, my name is Silvia Ceppi, I hold a PhD in ecology of human nutrition and its impacts on biodiversity; I am a passionate conservationist and I moved to Tanzania 20 years ago where, since 2009, I collaborate with Oikos as one of team's scientific advisors. Specifically, I help to design conservation projects and follow up their implementation, supporting the coordination between interventions to boost Oikos impact. I help to link Oikos with local and international organisations to promote knowledge exchange and scientific networks. I have a strong interest in Monitoring and Evaluation as a way to learn and share what is more effective and what is less. I have known Oikos since it was funded and I am happy to have contributed to its mission for a decade.
Denise Isonni
Human Resources - Headquarters
My name is Denise Isonni and I have been working at Oikos since the beginning of 2009. I’m in human resources: more specifically, I work on drawing up contracts, making payments, registering pay statements, managing bills of costs and the like. I began my professional career in private companies working in administration, accounting and credit control before then going on to work in personnel management. Oikos is my first experience in a non-profit organisation.
I am Tania Miorin, I have a degree in Science of Communication and a Master in International Cooperation and Development. Since 2004 I have been working in the international cooperation sector, with both NGOs and bilateral organisations. I have been mainly working as project coordinator of both development and emergency interventions, mainly in Africa and Middle East. Since 2014 I have been working with Oikos: first as Country Representative in Myanmar and since 2017 I have been managing the projects in the Ibo District, in Mozambique. Nowadays, I am in charge for the supervision of the projects implemented in Ibo in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the activities and I also contribute to the design of new project proposals. The atmosphere inside Oikos is just unique: a dedicated and competent team, with lots of energy and enthusiasm!
My name is Cristina Sonzogni, I have a University Degree in Oriental Studies and a Master in International Cooperation and Project Design. Since I was 18 I’ve been travelling around North Africa and Middle East because of my studies. In 2005 I discovered my passion for development cooperation and since then I’ve been collaborating with various NGOs that led me to live for almost 10 years in Egypt, Algeria, Mozambique and Burkina Faso.
I’ve joined Oikos in March 2013, when I opened the sedge of the NGO in Mozambique also covering the roles of Project Manager and country administrator. Since 2018 I’m part of the International Cooperation Office in Milan: as responsible for programs in Lebanon, I’m in charge of the management of ongoing initiatives, writing of new proposals, supervision of human resources, relationships with donors and partners.
What I really like of Oikos is the enthusiasm merged with the absolute professionalism, as well as the friendly atmosphere within the team. And obviously I love all those great places that we seek to defend and enhance through our actions!
Mirko Panichi
Country coordinator and Project Manager - Lebanon office
My name is Mirko Panichi and I have a degree in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. I’ve been working in Ghana in programmes related to the biological control of dangerous insects of Cocoa and then in Kosovo and Albania on projects focused on sustainable and organic agriculture. My love for Africa brought me back to Kenya for working with a women Cooperative producing organic herbs and tropical fruits jams in an arid and semi-arid context. Since April 2018 I have been working with Istituto Oikos as STONE project manager in Lebanon. Today I am the Country Coordinator. This is giving me the opportunity to put in practice the Permaculture approach: a kind of conservative agriculture that preserves and takes care of the environment, plants, animals, soil, water and people.
Education for Sustainability Expert - Headquarters
My name is Evelina Isola and in Oikos I deal with the planning and realization of the educational activities of our projects.
After graduating in Natural Sciences and obtaining a PhD in Earth Sciences, I dedicated myself to scientific dissemination and eco-sustainable tourism projects. From 2018 I am a member of the IUCN International Commission for Communication and Education.
After many years as a freelancer, I wanted to find an environment full of new incentives and opportunities where I could communicate my passion for nature. In Oikos and in its mission I rediscovered the values in which I deeply believe -- contributing to the conservation of ecosystems by promoting development, with professionalism, innovation and participation!
My name is Patricia Sampone, I am Italian-Brazilian and I am graduated in Social Communication.
I joined the Oikos team in September 2019: here I do secretary work and support the administrative office. I really like the team work, the commitment of every person and the Oikos' vision to protect ecosystem and support a sustainable development. Working in Oikos gives me the motivation to do the right thing!
I'm Daniele Paoloni, naturalist and PhD in “Sustainable Rural Development, Territory and Environment”. Expert (so they say!) In research and conservation of mesocarnivores and sciurids and in management of alien species. Furthermore, I carry out various professional assignments on the subject of wildlife-hunting monitoring and management at Territorial Hunting Areas, Protected Areas and public administrations, designing management plans and biodiversity conservation programmes.
Wai Yan
Rakhine Field Coordinator and Security Base officer – Myanmar office
My name is Wai Yan, I was born in 1990 and I studied Business Management. I have experiences in mangrove conservation, rural development, and Community Forestry projects in Myanmar. I have been working with Istituto Oikos since 2016: I am involved in general administration at the Oikos Field office in Rakhine and I work to coordinate the relationship with the local authority, local communities, and stakeholders. I also coordinate all the conservation and development activities in Rakhine. I am happy to work at Istituto Oikos because the Oikos team is very committed in environmental conservation and rural development in Myanmar. I really like to face new challenges every day.
Emily Tanganelli
Junior Project Manager - Tanzania Office
I am Emily Tanganelli, and during the time spent in Italy, Thailand, Ghana, Tanzania, and Indonesia, I developed a strong passion for ecosystem conservation, particularly coastal and marine ecosystems. With a Master's degree in Environmental Economics and Policy, I aim to turn this passion into a professional mission. I have contributed to environmental analyses at the Environmental Protection Agency in Ghana and worked at FAO as a climate change specialist.
Since September 2024, I have been collaborating with Istituto Oikos, where I manage initiatives aimed at protecting ecosystem services in northern Pemba Island, Tanzania. Working with Oikos means contributing to a future where sustainability and ecosystem conservation are not just goals, but a shared reality, built together with local communities.