Climate and energy

Towards a more sustainable development model

Climate change is a direct result of global warming, caused by an excessive concentration of CO2 emissions and other gases in the atmosphere, primarily due to human activity, in particular combustion of fossil fuels for energy production. The resulting effects include loss of biodiversity, rising tides, desertification and extreme weather phenomena which all have a devastating impact on the environment, health and economy, making us more vulnerable and poorer. It is doubtless the greatest threat to humanity.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement are two fundamental global frameworks aimed at coping with climate change and guiding us towards a more sustainable development model; nevertheless this challenge can be confronted only if accompanied by a genuine bottom-up cultural revolution, starting with citizens and young people above all, and promoting a radical change in production and consumption models.

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Oikos Solutions

Oikos is helping to fight climate change by strengthening the resilience of rural communities and helping to integrate traditional adaptation strategies through the use of new tools and skills. We are also educating and mobilising people in both the northern and southern hemisphere in supporting environmental protection and we encourage them to adopt a more responsible lifestyle.

Oikos is particularly committed to:
Promoting the widespread use of renewable energies and appropriate technologies with a low-environmental impact (bio-gas, photovoltaic systems, mini hydroelectric and wind power plants) in the world’s southern countries.

Encouraging sound land management by promoting the conservation and improvement of soil quality, an important carbon reserve, through practices that regulate its use and help to improve resilience to climate change.

Supporting local authorities through training and providing them with the technical means to help them analyse data and monitor risks.

Identifying and promoting sustainable economic initiatives as alternatives to the use of natural resources, offering revenue opportunities for populations most affected by climate change.

Training and enhancing the skills of specialist technicians in the renewable energy sector in order to create new professional expertise for the labour market and to facilitate community autonomy.

Raising awareness and educating communities in Italy and across the world on the threats and actions necessary to tackle climate change, with special attention to energy efficiency and critical consumption.

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Clean energy among the school desks

Solar Utility for off grid electricity services

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Resilient villages


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Saving energy at home

Good practices

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Want to learn more?

Since 1996 we have devised and developed over 350 projects in Italy, Europe and in the South of the world. Discover how we carry out our commitment to safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainable development.

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